Permanent residents may apply for citizenship upon being a permanent resident for five years, or upon being a permanent resident for three years if they have been married to the same U.S. citizen spouse for at least three years.
Lawful permanent resident status in the United States is not permanent. Under current U.S. immigration law, being convicted of certain crimes may make a permanent resident removable from the United States. In certain situations, this may be true even where the crime is a minor state law misdemeanor, or even if the crime occurred many years ago. Advantage of U.S. citizenship include not being removed from the United States for criminal convictions, the right to vote, the ability to travel or live freely outside the United States for long periods of time and return, the right to hold special government jobs, and eligibility for public benefits not available to non-citizens.
The United States gives U.S. citizenship to all persons born inside the United States.
Derivative U.S. Citizenship
you can derive U.S. citizenship from one or both of your parents. You might have derived U.S. citizenship if you were a permanent resident of the United States and one or both parents were born in the united states or became naturalized U.S. citizens before you reached the ages of 18 or 21.
U.S. Citizenship by Birth Abroad
if you were born outside the United States, you may be a U.S. citizen through the citizenship of one or both of your parents.
If you would like more information, please call or e-mail us to schedule your consultation. It is crucial to speak with an experienced attorney that can explain the steps to take in your case.
Consultation are by appointment only.